Skin Treatments with Aloe Vera

Does your skin need a break? In B&B Market we inform you of several treatments based on Aloe Vera that will help you to improve your well-being.

How to make a facial mask with Aloe Vera

To make a face mask with aloe vera we must have a natural Aloe Vera gel. We do not recommend the direct use of the plant, as the Aloe Vera must be treated before being used.

If you want to know more about how you can make face masks with Aloe Vera, read on and take note!


Aloe Vera and Lemon Anti-Blemish Face Mask

Aloe Vera and lemon are the perfect combination to get rid of blemishes on the face, neck and décolleté. Aloe Vera and lemon contain anti-stain properties, so we will get a much more uniform face with an incredible vitality. In addition, it will leave your skin completely clean and free of impurities.

To prepare this mask we only need Aloe Vera gel and lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and apply it to a clean face with a brush. We can apply it both on the face and on the neck or décolleté, as these areas should also be cared for with a lot of care. Apply the mixture in an upward and circular motion, thus stimulating the circulation in the area. Leave the mask to act for about 20 minutes and once this time has elapsed, remove it with plenty of lukewarm water.


Aloe Vera and Honey Anti-Acne Mask

This mask is perfect for those who want to put an end to acne, finally you can say goodbye to those pimples that appear at the most inopportune moments. Aloe Vera and honey help to reduce the production of oil and therefore reduce the appearance of acne. In addition, it regulates the pH of the skin, thus preventing the appearance of pimples.

In order to make this incredible mask we will need Aloe Vera gel and two tablespoons of honey. Once we have mixed the two ingredients, clean the face or the areas to be treated and apply the product with the help of a brush. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. This mask can be used every two days, following this treatment we will achieve much faster and visible results in less time.


Aloe Vera Anti-Wrinkle Mask

If you want to fade wrinkles that have appeared over the years, this mask is perfect for you. To make this mask you will need the following: honey, milk, cucumber and Aloe Vera gel. With this combination of ingredients you will rejuvenate your skin and moisturise it intensely.

To prepare this mask we will follow the following steps, first of all, we need Aloe Vera gel, add half a cucumber, a little milk and two tablespoons of honey. We mix the ingredients until we obtain a homogeneous texture and we apply it on the face with a brush. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and once the time is up, remove it with lukewarm water.


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