Aosta Folding Electric Treadmill
The folding electric treadmill provides you with the ease of training without having to leave your home. The convenience that this treadmill can offer you both in your daily life and in saving space in your home, thanks to the fact that it is a treadmill created to be folded, being easily stored anywhere in your home.
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Aosta Folding Electric Treadmill
The Aosta folding electric treadmill contains an LCD display panel, which provides the necessary information for your exercise, such as speed, time, distance, as well as being able to choose between different exercise programmes, adapting to your needs.
Its twelve automatic programmes and one manual programme allow you to choose to adapt to your daily exercise as you consider necessary and to increase the power to increase the resistance as time goes by in your training time. Thanks to these programmes, it becomes an excellent treadmill for fitness and weight loss, as the exercise performed allows you to improve your physical condition and cardiovascular endurance.
Its easy folding allows you to collect the treadmill after your workout, making the most of the space in your home.
This is a great opportunity to continue with your daily routine or to start from scratch, without complications and comfortably, helping to improve your physical performance, to improve and tone your muscles.
Aosta Folding Electric Treadmill
Aosta Folding Running Treadmill has everything you need to make your daily exercise easier and more comfortable:
Wheels to move the treadmill around comfortablyLCD control panel
2 bottle holders
12 automatic programmes and 1 manual programme
Contains pulse function to measure your heart rate
Speed from 1 to 10 km/h
1000x33cm running surface
Contains a cushioned arm rest
5 quick start buttons
Safety button
Aosta Folding Electric Treadmill
Dimensions of the assembled belt: 126x60x120cm
Dimensions of the folded belt: 120x60x68cm
Maximum weight: 150 kgs
Motor power: 1000w
Weight of the treadmill: 24kgs

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