Benefits of Paraffin

Get to know the benefits of paraffin for your wellbeing

Paraffin wax is a type of wax that is used as a remedy for body aches and pains. Moreover, thanks to technological advances, you no longer have to go to a spa or specialised place to enjoy the benefits of this treatment, but you can do it at home whenever you need it.

From Bienestar y Belleza Market we recommend the use of paraffin for both cosmetics and therapies. On the one hand, in cosmetics, paraffin will help you get the skin you want, soft, nourished and full of vitality. On the other hand, as a therapy, paraffin will alleviate those minor aches and pains that you suffer, through thermotherapy.

Discover all the properties that paraffin has for your wellbeing and how you can benefit from them and make the most of this incredible product.

What is paraffin?

Paraffin wax is a type of wax that originates from petroleum. One of its characteristics that make it such a peculiar wax is its ability to retain the skin’s moisture, as when we immerse the skin in the wax and it dries, the paraffin retains all the moisture, thus it is able to completely remove dead skin cells without damaging it at all. The paraffin treatment is not aggressive at all, so it is suitable for the most sensitive skins.

Cosmetic uses

Paraffin wax can be used to moisturise hands, feet and elbows, as these are the areas most affected by dryness. Paraffin is able to moisturise these parts in depth thanks to its moisturising properties, after the first use you will notice how your skin is much softer and nourished, leaving aside the cracked and rough skin.

In cosmetics the use of paraffin is very popular, since, thanks to its moisturising and nourishing properties, it manages to hydrate the most difficult areas. Paraffin is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis, moisturising from the inside and maintaining the moisture that our skin naturally produces. Say goodbye to dry and cracked skin and enjoy a totally new skin.

Therapeutic uses

In addition to its incredible cosmetic properties, paraffin can also be used as a therapy. It is capable of eliminating pain and bodily discomfort, whether muscular or skeletal.

It can also be used as a remedy to alleviate the discomfort caused by pathologies such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Paraffin works thanks to the heat it gives off, this type of treatment is known as thermotherapy, which consists of relieving pain through heat. This is because the heat helps to increase blood flow and stimulate circulation to the area, thus increasing the production of oxygen to treat these areas and thereby relieving pain. You will feel a very pleasant and soothing sensation when you do the paraffin treatment.


As you have already been able to read, paraffin wax is a very useful element that can be used for many purposes and that contains multiple benefits to improve our wellbeing, whether it is for cosmetic or therapeutic use.

At Bienestar y Belleza Market we are always committed to naturalness, which is why we recommend the use of paraffin wax as a treatment, as it does not contain any harmful ingredients for your health and well-being. Enjoy all the benefits of paraffin wax and say goodbye to dry skin and body aches.

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