Consumer Benefits of Green Certificates

What are organic certificates and what are the benefits for the consumer?

Today’s market is becoming more and more competitive and demanding, due to the entry of low quality products that are sold as natural aloe vera but have very low percentages. For this reason, manufacturers try to certify their products given the importance of demonstrating their quality, giving security and confidence to customers.

The intention of these certificates is to accredit that the composition of their products is what they claim to have, as there is an entity that ensures that this is the case. Manufacturers certify their products to give the necessary security to the customer that they are buying quality products and, if necessary, change the manufacturing process of their products to guarantee quality, healthiness…

They also carry out social and environmental awareness work by not using toxic or harmful compounds in their products, promoting sustainable agriculture and not testing their products on animals. In order to obtain the certificate, very restrictive requirements must be met.

The next step is to check exhaustively in some inspections, audits and tests with samples the manufacturing processes, materials, quality… and if everything is correct, the certificate will be granted.

Otherwise the manufacturer would have to change the manufacturing process or its raw material improving its quality and repeating all the previous process or it will not obtain the certification. In this way if we have a product that promotes for example “Organic Aloe Vera” if it has any certification such as ECOCERT we will have the security as consumers that this product contains aloe vera in the most natural and ecological way, and that its manufacturing processes have been adequate.

Certification Guarantees and End Client Benefits

The product certification then proves that a product is reliable or meets more rigorous quality standards than other similar products, this gives the customer the assurance that they are not being deceived in advertising or what is advertised about a product, because if it declares for example organic aloe vera or snail slime, the manufacturer must have demonstrated the consistency and quality in audits and inspections of its certification.

It is always beneficial to know if a product has certification, and if so, we should find out which requirements the product has fulfilled to obtain this certification, such as ecocert, luxuryspain, European organic agriculture…

We must also give importance to the certificates as consumers, since manufacturers do give it to them, so if consumers decide to buy mostly certified products we help manufacturers to continue designing and manufacturing higher quality products and in the case of organic and ecological products favouring a sustainable economy and the care of the ecosystem.

The most important features of the Benefits of Organic Certificates for the Consumer, focused on Ecological and Natural products.


  • Certificados Ecológicos - Bienestar y Belleza Market
  • Ecocert:

    The first body to develop standards for natural and organic cosmetics. This gives us the assurance of a minimum presence of 95% natural, responsibly processed products and the use of renewable materials.

  • International Aloe Science Council Certified:

    It gives us the assurance that the products contain Aloe vera of the highest purity and quality with the most rigorous monitoring of processing, packaging and cultivation to ensure that the aloe vera does not lose its properties and benefits.

  • Luxuryspain:

    Linked to the luxury sector in Spain to promote and enhance brands, products, and the services it represents, as well as to defend and protect the prestige of the brands.

  • Demeter:

    Agricultural and livestock products produced under the protocols of Biodynamic agriculture and in a stricter way than the European regulations for organic agriculture. On their website we can find a great regulation for anyone who as a manufacturer would like to be a holder of this Certificate.

  • Natura 2000:

    It ensures that the development, production, sourcing and labelling of products is in compliance with nature 2000 and its conservation objectives.

  • Ecosmetica quality organic certification:

    Awarded by ecogruppo Italia and gives us the assurance that the products are made from organic raw materials and extracts free of added chemicals, thus eliminating the presence of genetically modified organisms, pesticides, synthetic substances.

  • EcoGruppo Italia:

    It promotes environmentally sustainable production mainly in processing, agriculture industry, and manufacturing, thus verifying all relevant product processes.

  • Natrue:

    It controls that both ingredients and raw materials are of good quality and organic (minimum 70%), limiting also the use of many less healthy ingredients, promoting sustainable production and responsible agriculture.

  • Cosmética Italia:

    It has been the voice since 1967 in the Italian national cosmetics industry and its distribution for Italian cosmetics companies and is the reference in the dissemination and processing of economic, technical and regulatory information.

  • Certiquality:

    Organisation at the service of companies to obtain certification of management, environmental, quality and product safety systems.

  • Certificado ecológico europeo:

    It is the European Union certificate that was designed to help consumers by guaranteeing that products are truly organic and that their manufacturers can distribute them as such in Europe.

  • BioVidaSana/Bio.Inspecta

    Its task is to regulate natural and organic cosmetic products, and this regulation is exercised on producers on a voluntary basis in order to obtain this certification after fulfilling its requirements.

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