Advantages of Doing Sport at Home

Nowadays you don’t need to leave your home to keep fit, if you don’t have time to go to the gym or to exercise outside your home, at Bienestar y Belleza Market we explain how you can keep fit without leaving your home and what the advantages are.

At home you can exercise with sports accessories such as a spinning exercise bike, a treadmill, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. But if you don’t have any of these, you can also do other types of exercises such as sit-ups or squats, among many others.

It is very important to exercise daily in order to have a healthy lifestyle as exercise brings both physical and mental benefits. In addition to exercise, it is essential to take care of your diet through a balanced diet that provides us with the nutrients and energy we need for our daily life.


Accessibility and speed

By exercising from home and not having to travel, this makes exercising a much more accessible and quicker activity, so we will be less lazy to exercise. You will no longer have an excuse not to do sport.

Better concentration

Sometimes when we exercise away from home either in a gym or in a park we can get distracted by our surroundings, this can be avoided by exercising from home as you can concentrate much better and avoid all kinds of distractions.


Goodbye timetables

From home you will not have timetables, you can exercise when you feel like it or when you have a free time, you will no longer have to worry about gym schedules or crowds of people practicing sport in parks or outdoor spaces.


The weather won’t be a problem

The weather won’t be an excuse for you not to practice sport either, as sometimes this task is complicated when temperatures are extreme in winter or summer or even when it rains and your training plans are affected. From home you won’t have this problem, no matter what the weather is like, you will always be able to train without being affected.


What equipment can I use to train at home?

Many times we have to train at home our intensity is limited by lack of space or because we do not have the right equipment to perform the exercises.

From Bienestar Belleza Market we recommend you to use some of these products to make your training more intense and complete.


Spinning bike

Spinning is a type of exercise that provides many benefits, but before starting to practice it is important to prepare well to avoid injuries. Warming up beforehand and using the right shoes are essential for this sport. It is also very important to stay hydrated as sweating during this type of exercise is very high due to the high caloric expenditure.

It is a high intensity exercise which helps to reduce stress and accumulated tension, so it is the ideal sport to practice after a long and stressful working day, as you will release all your stress by pedalling.

You will strengthen your whole body, spinning is a very complete sport with which you will tone your whole body, from the legs and buttocks, which are the ones that work the most with spinning, to the abdominals when you do lifts and inclines.

Spinning is a cardiovascular exercise, so your heart health will improve and your risk of heart disease will be reduced. It also lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol levels, reducing them considerably.

If your purpose is to burn calories and lose weight, this sport is perfect for you, as one of its main virtues is the burning of calories and fat. As it is such a complete sport, you tone up and burn fat, which leads to weight loss. This will be possible if in addition to practising sport you follow a healthy and balanced diet, as diet and sport go hand in hand when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Treadmill and treadmill

Walking and running is a very common exercise as it provides great health benefits. Many times we encounter problems when practicing this sport outside, either by the weather, obstacles in the environment so you will avoid injuries and accidents. You no longer have to worry about lack of space in crowded parks with people doing sport.

Running and treadmill walking is an exercise that will allow you to lose weight and calories or maintain the weight you want.

In addition to all these physical benefits, running also has many benefits for the mind because when we run, we stimulate the production of endorphins and dopamine in a natural way.

By running on a treadmill you can monitor your progress as you can measure and analyse every workout you do, from distance run, intensity, calorie burn, among many others.


Elliptical trainer

The elliptical trainer is one of the most popular exercise machines and this is because it has many benefits when it comes to doing sport and it is a machine that allows you to keep fit in a very short time, as it is very effective thanks to the high intensity of the exercise.

One of the main advantages of the elliptical trainer is that it allows you to exercise without impact, so the risk of injury is minimal. In addition, thanks to the low impact exercise, muscle recovery is much faster than when exercising with high impact.

The elliptical trainer allows you to exercise and strengthen a large number of muscles. In addition to strengthening, it also helps to burn fat as this exercise makes you lose a lot of calories while doing it, which helps to eliminate cellulite. For the results to be much more visible and the training to be really effective, it is essential to do this exercise for 30 minutes daily.

Like the rest of the previous sports, it also helps to release stress and to take care of your cardiovascular health as it is a high intensity sport.

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